Middle Years

Middle Years

The Middle School at PAS consists of grades 6 through 8 and connects Elementary School to High School while focusing on the needs of early adolescents. The Middle School at PAS is a time of academic and social growth, which prepares students for the challenges in High School and beyond.

During the three years of Middle School, PAS students take a series of core academic classes that are complemented by exploratory courses. The core subjects in the Middle School are language arts, social studies, science, and mathematics. These courses provide a foundation of skills and knowledge that allows students to progress to more rigorous challenges in High School. In addition to the core subjects, students are also exposed to a variety of other areas, which include physical education, Urdu, reading, computer technology, art, health, and music. These courses provide broad opportunities and exposure to the Middle School students so they can understand their personal areas of interest.

In addition to coursework, Middle School students at PAS also engage in extracurricular activities. The Middle School participates in Inter-School sporting events with International Schools in Lahore. These include competitive teams in swimming, soccer, Tennis, Table tennis and Athletics track and field events.

PAS Middle School is a place of activity and growth. The teachers and staff work together to develop the skills of the students in order to ensure their success at school and in life.